"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD...He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Recently, I visited a BOOK FESTIVAL site where attempts to share the Gospel welcomed strangers into a WALKING EXPERIENCE using the colors depicted in the Wordless Book. Each room’s message used a Scriptural principle to describe the LIFE choices one makes and used meaningful COLORS to help the participants understand the choices that had been made.


Those who invited each participant to enter the tent gave them a sample craft with folding instructions to make their own wordless book. On the reverse side of the instructions, there were Bible verses for each color they would experience inside the tent. They were asked to observe all the items in each room through the spectrum of the room's choice colored light. At the end of their walking experience through the tent, there would be Survey Questions to help them recall what they had seen & an explanation of the Bible verses on the handout. 
Very interested, I sat nearby to watch.
The WALKING EXPERIENCE attracted many as friendly greeters conversed with those passing by, asking them if they would like to make a craft, have their young children’s faces painted by a visiting artist, or browse a table of free books. The tent entrance was large & inviting.

From my perch, I could see punching bags hanging from the ceiling in a BLACK Room.

My attention was drawn to a very young boy, tethered by a child protection leash. He attempted to enter the tent experience alone while his mother stood outside the entrance, distracted by tables of reading materials and culturally courteous in conversations. The pretentious freedom gave the little boy the ability to wander safely into the dark world of the black room, yet still be within view. Unconscious of danger, he was caught unaware by the wildly swinging punching bags. His small frame was buffeted from side to side. He staggered unsteadily as he pushed his way deeper into the room. Other children raced by him, wildly pushing the bags aside, knocking the little boy completely down. His stretched leash hindered his attempts to catch up to the others, but he was determined. He pushed & prodded, was knocked around, fell often, but continually, lifted himself up to try again.
He made very little progress.
I glanced over to the mom and noticed an older brother had caught up to his family.  He gazed inside the entrance and watched his little brother’s struggle, his determination, & the inevitable defeat. While his parent continued to talk, the old boy approached & unleashed the small lad & lifted him into his arms, shielding him from the buffeting bags. Together they walked deeper into the dark room.

I realized I had just envisioned a true picture of salvation.
I was born into this dark world with all its fearsome buffeting & hindering bags. Because of God’s great mercy, I was given parental tethering to protect my wanderings & help me find my way through life’s scary maze. As good as my parents were, they were often distracted by work, tradition, neighbors & many obligations. Often, even their own weaknesses hindered their protection.
Stretching my parental tethering, I began pushing my way into the darkness, following & imaging others who had raced ahead, buffeting me with many unavoidable bags hidden in the dark. Recalling my fears, I’m forever thankful for the tethering that blocked deeper progress into that darkness! I remember how quickly I grew weary as I was pushed, shoved, or was blocked & hindered by my own weak smallness to reach what I thought I wanted.
I made very little progress.

In mercy, God sent His Son, like a pure big brother in human flesh to rescue me. He knew my weaknesses, my ignorance, and He gave himself to feel all those distractions, the suffering & buffeting I had begun to experience. God’s beautiful Son reached down, answered parental prayers by drawing me into his own arms. Even in his powerful strength, my age required facing deeper steps into the darkness, but there were little hints constantly showing I was not alone. He held me tightly as each step took me further from safety, and memorized Scriptures assured a security of being held in his powerful arms as he pushed away the schemes of our enemy.
One day, He carried me into the RED ROOM where I personally heard the good news that God offered the dark world through His Son whom He had sent. This Son had suffered, been buffeted, freely bled & died on a cross, removing the darkness of the record of wrong done to a Holy God. I heard & understood that His precious sacrifice in that darkness was done “for me”.
I looked & saw the cross.

The Good News told me He had defeated my enemy in resurrected power & authority. Now, by His precious blood, I am cleansed & made holy so He can bring me Home. In overwhelming gratitude, I placed my own small hand in his wounded palm, thanking His patient love for all He has done for me. 

Ephesians 2:8,9 "For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH. And this is not your own doing; it is the GIFT of GOD, not the result of works, so that no one may boast. WE are His workmanship, created IN Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Our WALK progress to date has been the precious time spent in the BLUE & WHITE ROOM of living in His Royal Presence. He is teaching me through Scriptures to trust His leadership to keep my heart spotless and pure as one of His royal daughters. 
Together, we are cultivating a beautiful garden of living within my heart's GREEN ROOM. Through experiences and fellowship of other believers, through books, classes, sermons and study, His Constant Presence is growing His Likeness within me.

He is faithfully guiding me to finish this walk experience together. I am so secure in His forever promise to never forsake me. I’ve only read about the GOLDEN ROOM, but it is my HOPE & joy to see it in all its glory when we arrive Home.

Throughout my journey with Him, I’m persuaded and know with certainty that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is my ever-present living REDEEMER.
His Presence has given me the security of knowing that I am right where I’ve always belonged.  

In Romans 1:5 NLT, we read "Through CHRIST, God has given us the privilege & authority as sent ones to TELL everyone everywhere what GOD HAS DONE FOR THEM, so that they will believe and obey Him, bringing glory to His Name." 

I truthfully hope that each one reading this recent memory of COLORS SPEAK will use the opportunity to share this good news with others. Let the COLORS tell what GOD HAS DONE FOR THEM. 
The following verses (6-7 NLT) give us what to tell them: 
YOU ARE INCLUDED in God's plan. 
"May God our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ give you GRACE & PEACE.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022



In September, I began a new vein to record on this “Climbing Vertical” adventurous trek through life’s mountains. I chose this trek with my heavenly Guide, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would continually remind me of what Jesus taught & teach me of things to come. I trust Him whenever we start a hike, I've asked Him to show me all He wants me to learn from these OT biblical accounts.
This new little side vein led me to
a group of women and a devotional book, THE JORDAN RIVER RULES by Robert J Morgan. It may seem like a book review as I move through the chapters, but they're simply personal lessons that constantly spill over with enthusiasm & love for my sweet Savior. .
Each week, I’ve found the OT accounts for group discussions have deep crevices to solo ex
plore, risky gauntlets to leap over, refreshing streams to rest beside, meadows to slow my pace, and shady trees to pause under while enjoying the fellowship of the Son and His faithful ones.
I hope
many of my reading friends find these journaled exploits enjoyable

In these posts, I ask myself challenging questions as one who believes that all Christians have been called to be true representatives of the biblical God.. As such a believer, my deepest desire is to IMAGE Christ. (2 Co 3:18),
I have so much to learn which causes every devotional to become a study! How I beg my Guide for understanding & insight.
 Each theme leads into many topics which need a deeper grasp. I find an overwhelming desire to find more time to just linger with the Holy Spirit, reading Scriptures to find connections and understanding.
We're told in 1 Corinthians 10:11, studying OT accounts are vital because they were written FOR US as 
warnings and examples.. Because of this, my personal questions & thoughts reflect considerations in both aspects as I meditate on biblical accounts.


Our first visit together...

 Hi! Thank you for clicking on my blog...

I cannot tell you how much it means to me to hang out with friends & how I often I long to be introduced ot others, in hopes of developing new friendships.
It's so good to have you stop by
I've been nick-named "Debi" by using my childhood initials - with an added i for 'internet'.
I began this blog in 2014, but in reviewing this page, I'm quite surprised that my surroundings have changed, but my favorite things remain strongly the same in describing my life. My surroundings now are more tropical with palm trees waving over a refreshing pool and a leisure lanai for visiting friends. 

I love the sweet fellowship gained by new friends & wish we could pass the afternoon with this pop-in today to become betteracquainted. To help you know me more, I'd invite you in for a cup of hot tea 
in one of my many teacups and we could sit on my patio.  I'd probably offer you some English shortbread or Malaysian "digestive biscuits". 
We would have so much to talk about and I would probably ask too many questions! I'd love to hear your stories & interests, especially, your relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ, and the places He has led you on your life's trek through spiritual valleys & mountains.  

As we visited, I share my travels to visit my daughter's families in Indonesia, Malaysia, and busy NYC. My children invite us to visit their homes in the most beautiful, interesting, and exciting places. We've fallen in love to the warm climate of tropical islands with vast turquoise waters outlined by foamy waves on ocean beaches. We also love to share our visits we've made to stare high on the sky reaching aged with history architecture, and bustling streets with throngs of people rushing to & from their destinies. 
Our favorite memories we share with friends are the many times we just hang out with 7 wonderful grandchildren at their various activities, or our family times around the meal tables full of laughter. 

I probably would have one of my journals nearby & you'd see all the doodled edges on the various pages, visualizing my thoughts & understanding of what I've learned. They're my simple art attempts expanding my memory, which also extend into card making, and my collected photo memories in treasured scrapbooks 

I'd show you all my paper crafting tools and how much fun it has been to make simple Christmas tags and seasonal greeting cards. I'd show you samples of the bundles I made with friends as gifts to leave behind when we ventured into visitation and spend many sweet hours with precious shut-ins, filling many their lonely hours with a visit.  

Then, we'd probably wander into my hobby room where I would share my love for self-taught sewing, quilting, embroidery and cross stitching.
You would see all the bins, organized by project, lining the closet shelves & floor and know I had more hopes than a life-time to create beautiful things.
Most likely, you'd tell me t
here's no more need for me to shop for fabrics, patterns or notions!

In our conversation, I know I would mention that becoming a follower of Jesus Christ was the most important decision I made in my life., I'm most thankful for His sacrificial death as my Savior, nailing my account to His cross. I've made Him the Lord of all my decisions, and humbly bow my knee to worship Him in all I do. As we visit, I think you'd shortly realize that I love to proclaim His Grace and share His friendship often. My deep desire is for each of my loved ones to be reconciled to God through Christ & that we all would together be learning to be His followers. You'd hear how each day is an adventure because I know I walk in my King's covenant Presence. You'd probably notice my eyes often gaze toward the clouds, wondering when He will call His friends to join Him in his kingdom.

We would enjoy the season together, both the climate & stage of our lives.... 
If it's Spring, I'd excitedly point to new life in my Iris flower garden, while in summer, we could enjoy my shaded patio, surrounded by a rainbow of potted flowers. 
In Fall, we'd kick at a yardful of falling leaves, while gazing over the variety of color in a garden of mums. You'd probably guess my favorite season because the warm autumn shades of garnet red, and splashes of golden brown creep into every room of my home. 
So, please enjoy my journaling posts. 
I believe I'm on the most adventuous trek a life can choose. it is heavenward with the promised Holy Spirit as my Guide and the Scriptures as our manual.
I've enjoyed introducing myself and would love for you to use the comments to share your thoughts, activities, & studies with me.
I sincerely hope my post encourage your journey with the Lord and as you fix your eyes on Jesus, although we dimly see, His face becomes more and more reflected for others to see His grace. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The RED CORD Promise

#4 Help someone along the way

In this post, I ask challenging questions of myself as one who believes that all Christians have been called to be true representatives of the biblical God.. As such a believer, I want to IMAGE Christ. (2 Co 3:18),
We're told in 1 Corinthians 10:,11, studying OT accounts are vital because they were written FOR US as warnings and examples.. Because of this, my questions & thoughts reflect both of these aspects as I meditate on RULE #4 of THE JORDAN RIVER RULES by Robert J Morgan.. 
We were asked a vital question in the group time which also played a part in the challenge. Feeling helpless & overwhelmed in the aftermath of Hurricane IAN & the catatrosphic destruction, we honestly wanted to know, "How do we talk to those who have lost so much & are questioning God's goodness in such destruction?" I felt several in the room were also having their own doubts. We've been taught to share God's love. Our usual focus is to only share the "gospel of Jesus" and desire to do it in such a way that it is not confrontational, judgmental, or even threatening to anyone's way of life. This week, I was again amazed to find answers to our quesitions in the account of Rahab, but a little hesitant to share these answers because there seems to be more than God's LOVE & goodness. Let me just clarify that this account is the goodness of God to Rahab, as an example demonstrating God's love, but it's also a catastaphic warning for us, our family, & neighbors..  

Joshua 2:10 “For we have HEARD how the LORD made a dry path for you through the Red Sea when you left Egypt. And we know what you did to Sihon & Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River, whose people you completely destroyed.
Did you wonder how "they HEARD"? Who told them? The Jericho residents HEARD of God's power. All were aware & warned that this Power was moving forward toward them & it was so powerful they could not withstand this Presence. Rahab, a resident of Jericho, knew the Israelite's God had given them the land. Perhaps she yearned to know this God, Rahab showed kindness, which is only produced by the Spirit of God, proving God's Supreme Presence was already near.. 
Does Rahab's description of Jericho residents resemble our community? Are those around us demonstrating "kindness" showing us God is already working right here? This whole account caused me to wonder what had been HEARD about the power of God in His people here in my community.
What have my neighbors HEARD about my God? 
What have my neighbors HEARD of my relationship with the Supreme God?
Has it been rumored that new neighbors know the Supreme King who rules another kingdom?
Have they heard our adventuous story as if it were a similar mountainous trek with the powerful Supreme God of the heavens & all the earth? In part, it is why I write this blog.
The Bible asks, “How shall they HEAR unless one sent?”
We believe we have been sent.
We believe we are on mission.
As I consider the Jericho story in JOSHUA 2, and specifically, Rahab, I'm challenged with my mission and how I reflect God's image in Christ's righteousness to those who need to HEAR. What does being a true representatiive of His Kingdom & Glory mean to me each day as I live in this community? This has become heavy stuff to me. It captivates my heart breathlessly, leaving me overwhelmed that this biblical Presence & Power is now IN ME.  It drives my mission passionately & intensely. I've learned to be intentional with my day & activities.
When Israel crossed borders, it created a real fear of God in the residents.

Having recently crossed a big river & state borders into a new community, I must admit that I've never once considered my new neighbors having "hearts melting in FEAR" caused by our move into this community! With so many coming & going, I wonder if they even noticed new people, I'm sure there was no thought of the Presence of God moving in when our U-haul drove into the driveway. 

But Jericho noticed. when His Presence entered their territory.
Rahab noticed & HEARD all their fear. 
Joshua 2:11 “No wonder our hearts have melted in FEAR! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things. For the LORD your God is the Supreme God of the heavens above & the earth below.”

What a great verse for "Peace through Strength' we often hear from the political world! No one dares fight where power has been on display. I think there is real need to pause & consider how the power of GOD IN US has been on display for our community.
Do those around us realize they are in the Presence of the Supreme God of heaven & all the earth? According to the NT, our power-filled holy lives, on display for others to SEE, should cause hearts to either be drawn in love into His Presence (Jn 13:34-35) or "melt with fear" as they fall on their knees & worship our powerful God. (1 CO 14:24-25)
Maybe just thinking about making people respectfully fearful is an appalling consideration. Perhaps you've been taught "God is love", so when natural disasters happen, you reason with others that it's no one's fault. We've learned to just deal with whatever "Mother Nature" hands out, hopeful that it will be scientifically explained. We tend to leave God out of conversation. We've been told to silently allow some to believe they're intelligent enough to figure out how to change climate, deceiving & pacifying those who deny the presence & power of the Supreme & Sovereign God.. Maybe you've not been taught or even considered that it is your loving God who creates disasters, or that HE uses natural disasters for His purposes.
How we must learn to know God as Rahab knew, “the LORD your GOD IS Supreme God of the heavens above & the earth below”.
Let's consider 
this knowledge of God making a difference in how we view natural disasters.

Looking at another biblical passage, affirms faith by revealing more of God's continual personal involvement in creation. We can consider our own fearful respect in the knowledge of the One True God.
Here is a description of God in Jeremiah 10:12-13 “But the LORD made the earth by His power, and he preserves it by His wisdom. With His own understanding He stretches out the heavens, When He speaks in the thunder, the heavens roar with rain. He causes the clouds to rise over the earth. He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses.”
It's hard to wrap my mind around this, especially while hearing reports of destructive 155mph winds. It causes me to try to grasp the enormity of God's Sovereignty working though weather to demonstrate His continual Presence & Power in our daily routines. It's hard to explain that what's happening around us is a loving God getting our attention. We believe God created the heavens & the earth – a long time ago, you know, “in the beginning”. But how often do we consider His complete Sovereignty in creation’s work TODAY? God says HE is preserving the earth, by causing, sending, and releasing weather at His Will. Just pause on that for a moment!
It is GOD who preserves this earth. It is GOD who calls to the clouds to rise over the earth. It is GOD who calls thunder to bring rain, It is God who sends the lightning with the rain. It is God who releases the wind.
Wow!  That's saying "it was God’s extreme power over creation" that made us see disaster this week?
Do we need to take time to get better aquainted with this biblical God of disasters?
Are we even willing to consider sharing this biblical side of our God among each other, or, an even more daunting task, sharing truthfully with our neighbors & family, or those who are in distress? 
I know I personally feel alittle harsh to say "My God of love sent disaster." I don't think it would be a welcomed subject in many circles. So, I have to ask myself again...
What would make neighbors today become respectfully FEARFUL of God so that He had their attention? What in our lives displays His Presence & Power for others to HEAR about our God?

Proverbs "9:10 "The Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."

I feel very challenged to see God's handiwork as disaster, yet I stay silent, not knowing how to speak truth in love. I'm not convinced my words would come across as gentle & fragile as I feel inside. I grieve over the loss I see, yet my heart yearns to tell others God needs their undivided attention. This disaster could be "fields that are ready for spiritual harvest". We desperately need to see people as God sees?
What is God doing among His people? We offer hope like the spies offered Rahab. Yet, we also need to be READY for what is to come. We need to be prepared spiritually to cross over & conquer.

Our neighbors need to HEAR His display of PRESENCE & POWER IN US
Our lives must help others become respectfully fearful, growing in knowledge of the Supreme Sovereign God especially as we offer the Love of God displayed in Jesus Christ?

Knowing future prophesy, we can use disaster to offer hope & eternal rescue. This disaster looks really bad, but it's nothing compared to what is about to happen to this earth! We have a tendency to avoid Scriptures that speak of judgment. We shy away from any confrontational passages that might give impressions of possible judgment. Just recently while reading Ezekiel 38, the words “A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future…”
I believe that “long time from now” is not so long away now. I believe it might be our future. The "distant future" of Ezekiel is most likely our “present” time. The Bible is a revelation where God not only describes Himself, but He tells what He is doing and how His work will look. Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit has come to teach us of things to come. This is to warn us, but also to give us words to warn others of coming disasters. Our God is a loving God. Out of that love He warns us that terrible things, climatic changes will happen for His purposes. Man cannot change climate on a whim. God tells us that rain falls on the righteous and on the unrighteous at His command. He also comforts His people with His own personal involvement, often through His people's hearts & hands as we relieve their pain.. Many biblical accounts show God offering a way of escaoe. 
Coming judgment will be catastrophic. God has made a way to escape future disasters. Through His Son's sacrificial death, burial, & resurrection, God redeems people from the grip of judgment. What this earth faces soon is a judgment far more fierce than anything that has been before! The recent disasters are building to much bigger catastrophic, epic, natural disasters.
Are we preparing ourselves & those we love for upcoming catastophy? 
The spies, God's people, offered the RED CORD as a covenant symbol of safety.
Have you found God's escape provided through the blood of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ?
God's people moved FORWARD in His Presence & Power.
Today, "the Ark of the Covenant" continues moving forward in the power of God's Kingdom to come.
Are you following, prepared & ready to conquer?
Have you prepared your children so that they are ready?
Are your neighbors ready?
Have you told them that wisdom begins by a respectful fear of God?
My concern is that we have unintentionally lived a message of “health & wealth”, pacifying others with only comforting words, while avoiding the harsher reality of judgment to come on those who reject God's rescue offer of LOVE.
Rahab HEARD.
A red cord was provided for her deliverance.
By faith, Rahab received deliverance.
(Heb 11:31)
Our friends need to HEAR.
They need to respond in FAITH.
Each needs God's promised red cord, the precious blood of Jesus, to provide deliverance from coming judgment.  

Monday, October 10, 2022

I Focus on "IT" as my Reality

 As I stood knee deep on the steps of my pool, I looked up and saw the beautiful handiwork of puffy clouds, the fading whisper of the moon with the backdrop of soft blue skies breaking forth in warmth & light. I remembered the opening Psalm of my morning Bible time and marveled that I, too, can cry out with the Psalmist to the Most High God who made these gorgeous heavens!
"Oh! Lord you are my INHERITANCE!
You are my cup of blessing!
You guard all that is mine!!" Psalm 16:1

I can claim Him as my inheritance!
He is my cup of 'encouragement'!
He guards all that He has declared is mine!
I can shout this praise because The Holy Spirit, my Guide, has shown me all these declarations in Scriptures, His manual for living pleasing to God. He taught me to claim these in "my high calling", the purpose & plan the Lord has promised me. My heart bows in humble adoration!
How can IT be? 

This semester, I began reading a devotional book with a group of ladies which I now realize will characterize another trek on the path of my spiritual mountain climbing. I realize the culmination all my journal entries are like a book review for others on the same trek. I returned to this blog to journal and invite companions to join me. The book is THE JORDAN RIVER RULES by Robert J Margan. I hope my friends comment so that I am taught & encouraged through what they are taught in Scriptures because they allowed the Holy Spirit to use this book to enhance their trek.
I hope my posts communicate my growing treasured love for Scripture as the Holy Spirit, my Guide points my heart to deeper truth. Even though I will use the study book to begin my weekly steps, I will rely on Scriptures for deeper digging. Remember, 
1 Corinthians 10:6 & 11 tell us that sturdying OT accounts of God dealing with the tribes of Israel are written as spiritual warnings and as examples to guide us today in our spiritual walk with Christ. 
From a child, you have known the holy Scriptures." I now rely on them to make me wise unto salvation through Jesus Christ, my Lord" God's revealed declarations have become my constant precious word companions!     

The first "rule" from this Study book is "GO FORWARD" 
A pause in vocabulary so we're on the same page. "Rules" are guidelines for behavior practices. When gives an instruction in practice, I want to know "HOW" I practice. I read the author's opinions, stories, testimonies and examples of what the Guide has taught him through life & in Scriptures.

So, as usual, I didn't get far into the chapter before I paused in one suggested passage to dig deeper in HOW to practice "going forward". How does one GO FORWARD? 
Philippians 3:13 "No, dear brothers & sisters, I have not achieved IT, but I FOCUS on this one thing: FORGETTING the past and LOOKING FORWARD to what lies ahead," 

What is IT?
What one thing takes my FOCUS?
How does one FOCUS on IT?
I have to solidify the "IT" & understand how Paul LOOKED FORWARD to IT.
Reading the whole chapter helps me know the context of one verse. Quoting from the NLT gave me clues for the IT addressed in this verse. 
(1) "I never tired of telling you THESE THINGS to safeguard your faith.
(9) For His sake I have discarded everything I could GAIN Christ and BECOME ONE WITH HIM. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law, rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God's way of making us RIGHT with Him depends on FAITH. 
I want to KNOW Christ and EXPERIENCE the mighty power that raised Him from the dead. I want to suffer with Him, sharing in His death, so that one way or another I will EXPERIENCE the resurrection from the dead!
(12) I don't mean to say I have already achieved "THESE THINGS" or that I have already REACHED PERFECTION. But I press on to POSSESS that PERFECTION for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.  
(14) I press on to reach the END of the race & receive the HEAVENLY PRIZE for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us. 

 FORGETTING my own righteousness trhough obeying the Law,  I LOOK [put all my focus] FORWARD on becoming righteous through faith in Christ. 
The context refers IT to be my "heavenly calling" or what God declares about mey reality through Jesus, my Lord. Titus 3:3-8 God declares me righteous. 2 Co 3:16-18 declares that when I turned to the Lord, my ability to SEE is no longer veiled. I can LOOK at His FACE and this transforms my BEING into HIS IMAGE!
"So all of us who have had that veil removed can SEE and REFLECT the glory of the Lord. And the Lord - who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like HIM as we are changed into His glorious image." (18)
2 Co 4:6 defines this sight even more. "For God who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this Life shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is SEEN in the FACE of Jesus Christ." 
Paul admits, like so many of us, that he hasn't achieved all that WILL BE, because we all carry that GREAT TREASURE of God's GLORY in fragile clay jars, but our FOCUS is LOOKING FORWARD.
We encourage each other to press toward to achieving the prize of SEEING as God sees

                                            How can IT be?
                                                   Amazing Love... GOD'S WAY.
It is taking FAITH in the unseen as guaranteed FACT.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us that FAITH is EVIDENCE of the unseen.
For God's way of making us RIGHT with Him depends on FAITH. 
2 Corinthians 5:21 declares "
God made Jesus who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could become the righteousness of God". 
Hebrews 10:14 declares "For by that one offering HE forever made perfect those He has set apart as holy"

ONE offering made me just like Jesus & now, I am able to approach a Holy God! 

Each day, my natural SIGHT of reality struggles. As human,  I can only see the outward appearance! Many distort the vision with opinions & speculations. Only the Holy Spirit can give spiritual sight. He has chosen the BIBLE as the guide. Before reading Scriptures, I pray for the Holy Spirit to “open my eyes so I SEE Jesus reflected in me". Without Scriptural faith, no matter what I do, I just don't SEE "perfect" GLORY. 
We are just like the disciples in Mark 10 who drew Jesus aside to get further instruction on what it takes to inherit eternal life. They exclaimed exactly what we know in our hearts! If my inheritance of eternal life depends on me completely obeying the 10 commandmentsy, it's IMPOSSIBLE!!  It's impossible even when summed up in 2 parts of love. Just his one heart-word cuts me off.     
The rich young ruler attempted to obey all the right things. He kept the 10 commandments. He had great riches and could do all kinds of things to appear right. He looked successful. Yet, he still questioned his destiny & inheritance. He knew he could not exclaim with the Psalmist "O LORD! YOU are my INHERITANCE!" Something was missing. Striving hard with every resource available, still left him empty of promise! Obeying God's commands faithfully still left him hopelessly without the guarantee of eternal life!"
John 17:3 declares "THIS is eternal life -
to KNOW You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth." 
The rich young ruler didn't KNOW GOD. He didn’t even recognize the exact image of God in Jesus as he stood before him. He called Jesus a good teacher, a good wise man. He did not know Jesus was the source of eternal life. He was relying on the world's treasures & riches to help him DO all the right things. Jesus focused on who the young man was, his state of BEING. Jesus summarized this state of being with one word "LOVE". The rich young ruler needed to BECOME LOVE. 
LOVE God & LOVE neighbor. 
The rich young ruler lacked LOVE. 
To become LOVE is a complete new creation. It is a new birth. It is a new heart.
BECOMING LOVE does not include anything one can DO in the old natural state. The old heart cannot LOVE.   He walked away sorrowful.
"With man, it is IMPOSSIBLE". Man cannot change his state of BEING. It is impossible. 
But Jesus declared "With God, all THESE THINGS are possible!" 
Jesus told the disciples WITH GOD – becoming a new creation, a LOVE BEING, is possible.
On the cross the LOVE of God through Jesus would declare "All things have become NEW."
To those who receive Christ, God gives the right to BECOME the righteousness of God (Jn 1:12); the new creation (2 Co 5:17; Gal 6:15). This new birth biblically declares one BECOME: transformed into His image, perfect, holy, righteous, complete, pure, sinless, 'just like Jesus'.
The Son of God, sent in love, gave HIS LOVE offering and as God, HE made this POSSIBLE.

I'm not convinced yet without seeing, so like Paul, I must depend on FAITH to SEE I am right with God through Christ. I am a NEW CREATION. I have a NEW HEART. Old things are passed away, behold, ALL things have become NEW. 
By faith, I believe His Word declares this truth and I cling to the promise until I SEE IT..
This takes Faith..
The EVIDENCE of unseen SIGHT, the substance of anchored Hope. (Heb 11:1)  
Right now, there are arguments why I don't see IT: 
The glass has been darkened by the world around me.
I don't know Christ completely. 
I have not experienced His mighty power in resurrection.                                          

My feelings deceive & dull my sight like spiritual cataracts. 
My mind needs to be renewed so that I'm totally convinced I SEE.
No encouragement is offered because others constantly remind me of faltering steps...

1 John 3:2-3 declares "NOW are we the sons of God (just like Him). 
NOW, you are God's image, looking just like His Son. Perfect, holy, complete, washed, clean, pure, blameless, without spot, alive, righteous...
Hard to grasp! It just doesn't "appear" (SHOW) yet. IT is not SIGHT yet. 
Oh! That IT would be my sight! How I long eagerly for IT!       

Until then... I live by FAITH! 
I believe God's declaration, daily in discipline & practice: 
"Let this mind be in you as it was in Christ Jesus"
WHY? My Jesus saw IT and declared IT to be truth.
My Jesus SAW the heavenly prize and my Jesus shouted in victory "IT is FINISHED"!
IT is finished becomes my true REALITY.
1 John 3:2 tells us that Christ is the REALITY I long to see. 
"BUT we KNOW - when He shows up - we will look alike - because we will SEE Him as He is! "   

Another passage describes IT like this: The mirror we gaze in now is all cloudy & dim, but we will see clearly. We will see HIM. In all of His Glory!
My SIGHT will SEE the PERFECT reflection of Glory when the darkness clears!

                         ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!
I cannot fully describe it now
 for I do not know what I shall be, but I know I shall be like Him - for I shall SEE him as He is. (As God has declared me to be now). 
This HOPE...this REALITY...I press toward the evidence by purifying my 'outward appearance' (my behavior). I'm learning to copy what Scriptures teach me about Him. THESE THINGS describe Jesus. So, I train my focus to be learning His ways: how He pleased God, how He talked, His thoughts & prayers, His truthful character, His obedience to His Father, His fulfillment of the commandments, his purity, His love & forgiveness...
AND I imitate. 
I IMAGE HIM. I image LOVE. I take every thought captive and train my mind to think LOVE like Jesus.
By faith, I believe God's declaration. I want to be just like what He has declared about me. Everything I've learned about Jesus has taken me captive. I am overwhelmed by His LOVE. I am captivated. I adore Him. 
I find I want to IMAGE everything I know about Him!
THESE THINGS are my focus. 
I make IT is my only focus. 
I press toward this heavenly prize! 
I will soon SEE you FACE to FACE.