"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD...He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

Tuesday, October 18, 2022



In September, I began a new vein to record on this “Climbing Vertical” adventurous trek through life’s mountains. I chose this trek with my heavenly Guide, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would continually remind me of what Jesus taught & teach me of things to come. I trust Him whenever we start a hike, I've asked Him to show me all He wants me to learn from these OT biblical accounts.
This new little side vein led me to
a group of women and a devotional book, THE JORDAN RIVER RULES by Robert J Morgan. It may seem like a book review as I move through the chapters, but they're simply personal lessons that constantly spill over with enthusiasm & love for my sweet Savior. .
Each week, I’ve found the OT accounts for group discussions have deep crevices to solo ex
plore, risky gauntlets to leap over, refreshing streams to rest beside, meadows to slow my pace, and shady trees to pause under while enjoying the fellowship of the Son and His faithful ones.
I hope
many of my reading friends find these journaled exploits enjoyable

In these posts, I ask myself challenging questions as one who believes that all Christians have been called to be true representatives of the biblical God.. As such a believer, my deepest desire is to IMAGE Christ. (2 Co 3:18),
I have so much to learn which causes every devotional to become a study! How I beg my Guide for understanding & insight.
 Each theme leads into many topics which need a deeper grasp. I find an overwhelming desire to find more time to just linger with the Holy Spirit, reading Scriptures to find connections and understanding.
We're told in 1 Corinthians 10:11, studying OT accounts are vital because they were written FOR US as 
warnings and examples.. Because of this, my personal questions & thoughts reflect considerations in both aspects as I meditate on biblical accounts.


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