"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD...He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Recently, I visited a BOOK FESTIVAL site where attempts to share the Gospel welcomed strangers into a WALKING EXPERIENCE using the colors depicted in the Wordless Book. Each room’s message used a Scriptural principle to describe the LIFE choices one makes and used meaningful COLORS to help the participants understand the choices that had been made.


Those who invited each participant to enter the tent gave them a sample craft with folding instructions to make their own wordless book. On the reverse side of the instructions, there were Bible verses for each color they would experience inside the tent. They were asked to observe all the items in each room through the spectrum of the room's choice colored light. At the end of their walking experience through the tent, there would be Survey Questions to help them recall what they had seen & an explanation of the Bible verses on the handout. 
Very interested, I sat nearby to watch.
The WALKING EXPERIENCE attracted many as friendly greeters conversed with those passing by, asking them if they would like to make a craft, have their young children’s faces painted by a visiting artist, or browse a table of free books. The tent entrance was large & inviting.

From my perch, I could see punching bags hanging from the ceiling in a BLACK Room.

My attention was drawn to a very young boy, tethered by a child protection leash. He attempted to enter the tent experience alone while his mother stood outside the entrance, distracted by tables of reading materials and culturally courteous in conversations. The pretentious freedom gave the little boy the ability to wander safely into the dark world of the black room, yet still be within view. Unconscious of danger, he was caught unaware by the wildly swinging punching bags. His small frame was buffeted from side to side. He staggered unsteadily as he pushed his way deeper into the room. Other children raced by him, wildly pushing the bags aside, knocking the little boy completely down. His stretched leash hindered his attempts to catch up to the others, but he was determined. He pushed & prodded, was knocked around, fell often, but continually, lifted himself up to try again.
He made very little progress.
I glanced over to the mom and noticed an older brother had caught up to his family.  He gazed inside the entrance and watched his little brother’s struggle, his determination, & the inevitable defeat. While his parent continued to talk, the old boy approached & unleashed the small lad & lifted him into his arms, shielding him from the buffeting bags. Together they walked deeper into the dark room.

I realized I had just envisioned a true picture of salvation.
I was born into this dark world with all its fearsome buffeting & hindering bags. Because of God’s great mercy, I was given parental tethering to protect my wanderings & help me find my way through life’s scary maze. As good as my parents were, they were often distracted by work, tradition, neighbors & many obligations. Often, even their own weaknesses hindered their protection.
Stretching my parental tethering, I began pushing my way into the darkness, following & imaging others who had raced ahead, buffeting me with many unavoidable bags hidden in the dark. Recalling my fears, I’m forever thankful for the tethering that blocked deeper progress into that darkness! I remember how quickly I grew weary as I was pushed, shoved, or was blocked & hindered by my own weak smallness to reach what I thought I wanted.
I made very little progress.

In mercy, God sent His Son, like a pure big brother in human flesh to rescue me. He knew my weaknesses, my ignorance, and He gave himself to feel all those distractions, the suffering & buffeting I had begun to experience. God’s beautiful Son reached down, answered parental prayers by drawing me into his own arms. Even in his powerful strength, my age required facing deeper steps into the darkness, but there were little hints constantly showing I was not alone. He held me tightly as each step took me further from safety, and memorized Scriptures assured a security of being held in his powerful arms as he pushed away the schemes of our enemy.
One day, He carried me into the RED ROOM where I personally heard the good news that God offered the dark world through His Son whom He had sent. This Son had suffered, been buffeted, freely bled & died on a cross, removing the darkness of the record of wrong done to a Holy God. I heard & understood that His precious sacrifice in that darkness was done “for me”.
I looked & saw the cross.

The Good News told me He had defeated my enemy in resurrected power & authority. Now, by His precious blood, I am cleansed & made holy so He can bring me Home. In overwhelming gratitude, I placed my own small hand in his wounded palm, thanking His patient love for all He has done for me. 

Ephesians 2:8,9 "For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH. And this is not your own doing; it is the GIFT of GOD, not the result of works, so that no one may boast. WE are His workmanship, created IN Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Our WALK progress to date has been the precious time spent in the BLUE & WHITE ROOM of living in His Royal Presence. He is teaching me through Scriptures to trust His leadership to keep my heart spotless and pure as one of His royal daughters. 
Together, we are cultivating a beautiful garden of living within my heart's GREEN ROOM. Through experiences and fellowship of other believers, through books, classes, sermons and study, His Constant Presence is growing His Likeness within me.

He is faithfully guiding me to finish this walk experience together. I am so secure in His forever promise to never forsake me. I’ve only read about the GOLDEN ROOM, but it is my HOPE & joy to see it in all its glory when we arrive Home.

Throughout my journey with Him, I’m persuaded and know with certainty that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is my ever-present living REDEEMER.
His Presence has given me the security of knowing that I am right where I’ve always belonged.  

In Romans 1:5 NLT, we read "Through CHRIST, God has given us the privilege & authority as sent ones to TELL everyone everywhere what GOD HAS DONE FOR THEM, so that they will believe and obey Him, bringing glory to His Name." 

I truthfully hope that each one reading this recent memory of COLORS SPEAK will use the opportunity to share this good news with others. Let the COLORS tell what GOD HAS DONE FOR THEM. 
The following verses (6-7 NLT) give us what to tell them: 
YOU ARE INCLUDED in God's plan. 
"May God our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ give you GRACE & PEACE.

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