"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD...He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Detoured Study

Hidden within the disputations of the book of Malachi are the rich tidbits of God's history with his people! Just a mentioned name fills our minds with awesome stories of God's intervention on earth. During this week's group time, I suggested a small excursion into this deeper history to enjoy more fully the beautiful meadow of gratitude we wandered into last week.

First place we visited was Jacob and his relationship with God. We climbed into the children's overlooked foothills protecting this sacred meadow of righteousness, and found they had a Broken Vow.
That path beckoned us to go further into history and visit Abraham. With him, we looked beyond the horizon and gazed upon the stars in the heavens.
This detour was to be a fast little jaunt, a paragraph or two, but we lingered on the discovery of such rich treasure describing all believers. Although an abbreviated study of God's relationship with Abraham, the grandfather of the "children of Jacob", it looks at two separate occasions where God promised Abram the blessing of offspring. Each occasion Abraham was asked to compare this offspring to the vastness of what human eyes could not count.

Abraham received a promise of offspring two separate times.  Please click over to our detoured study Redeemed Dust Shines as Stars, then join us again as we check out this distinction found also in Malachi.   

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