"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD...He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." Micah 4:2

Thursday, January 23, 2020


I'm enjoying several Bible study groups this season and could linger over Scriptures all day! I'm so amazed how the Holy Spirit pieces truths together when we ask for open eyes of understanding.
Each of 3 studies cover an individual Bible book, but each is just a piece of a larger puzzle. I recently wrote a new chapter in my journal under
The HOUSE God is Building.
The first group is focused on Psalm 119 by looking at the Hebrew alphabet. I learned BET, the second value means "dwelling place, house, tent" and is the FIRST letter to open the TORAH, announcing God creating a dwelling place called earth.
In February, a second study in Matthew will focus on Jesus in the Coming of the King. The first chapter encountered the long names in the lineage of his earthly father, Joseph, the carpenter.
'Why would this be important?' I wondered, until I noticed a common theme in the records of their lives.
I chose to read account of each, and journaled character blocks for many of them. Surprisingly, HOUSE is mentioned in each man's life. It may have mentioned as his whole household, or a father's house, but in each scenario, God instructed righteous living within the frameworking of a "house".

With this as my frame, I made an easy outline to help me remember the principle played out in each life. Then, I filled in doodles and arrows for time passed.

So, here is my simple run-through of the legacy of HOUSE...

Abram.........House of FAITH
Isaac...........House of FEAR

Jacob..........House of FORTUNE
Judah..........House of FAILURE
Perez...........House of FOREIGNERS
his sons....House of FORCED LABOR
******* 400 years of silence ****
Salmon......House of RESCUE
Boaz......... House of REDEEMED
Jesse..........House of RIVALRY
David........ House of RIGHT DEVOTION
******* God's HOUSE of Worship  **********
Solomon......House of DEDICATION
Rehoboam...House DIVIDED
 his sons...House of DISTAIN
Ahaz...........House of DESECRATION
Hezekiah.....House of DISPLAY
his sons...House of DEFECTION
Josiah......House of DISCOVERY
his son.....House of DENIAL
his son.....House of DEFEAT
his son.....House of DEMOLISHING
his sons...House of DISPLACEMENT
Zerubbabel..House of DESOLATION
    his sons...House of DISGRACE
    his sons...House of DISPAIR

+++++400 years of HOUSE OF DEAFENING SILENCE+++++++++

Joseph......House of DREAMS
a carpenter who is asked to build a temporary house for God's beloved SON.
Jesus........House of DELIVERANCE

"I will come again and RECEIVE you unto myself that where I am, there you may be also."
 *************  SPIRITUAL WORSHIP **************************
And as we wait..."I appeal to you, therefore, by the mercies of God, present your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship". 

"Do you not know that your body is a temple [dwelling place] of the Holy Spirit within you, who you have from God? You are not your own for you were bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body".[BET] 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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