the very things we think are simple and mundane daily chores are what actually
influence others. It is often the little things that give God’s people godly influence.
In the novel, Miriam by Mesu Andrews, I read of a wonderful biblical heroine who was constantly helping the sick and wounded. She cared for her elderly
parents, meeting their physical needs, encouraging moments of victory when
defeat was inevitable, and soothing their decaying bodies during tough
times. All the household tasks of daily activities fell to Miriam, and she did them naturally, discretely, and with much love and care for her family.
She was a
kind neighbor who constantly looked for ways to bless, lift up, encourage, point others
to her God, "El Shaddai". As her people, the Hebrews, lived and served the Egyptians, cultural practices caused her to caution them in correction or instruction so they would remain faithful to their God. She spent quality time with younger ones trying to mentor their hearts
toward the God. She initiated conversations to help loved ones see the effect of
their choices. She did all these little things as naturally as breathing, loving the inner relationship she shared with her precious God.
Unfortunately, at sometime, she had been convinced that her worth was found in the
big things. She held tightly to El Shaddai’s as hers alone. She believed her position gave her prestige over others because He had chosen her. She believed only big
splashes of visions and dreams had the power to influence people. Elevated importance was hers because El
Shaddai spoke to her alone. She proudly held herself aloof as one who could physically “feel” the Presence of God.
Anyone could do the "little things" in chores, meals, laundry, shopping, and even visiting neighbors. Because her
heart was tuned only to the big things, she needed to learn that “little is
much when God is in it”.
Author, Mesu Andrews, did an
excellent job in dialogue. Miriam had several with other characters showing
her influence and love. Also, the thoughts Miriam secretly verbalized to the
readers were questions many face in their daily routines.
I enjoyed the heart provoking "God-silences" Miriam experienced and her searching for what “used to be” as she struggled to
accept the newness freedom offered.

As she grew in her understanding of Yahweh, Miriam learned to “feel” the
Presence of God in the people of God, the servant of God, a brother, a good friend, and even the younger followers. Her heart began to recognize
God’s love for her came through the work He did in others.
the transition from slavery to freedom, Miriam is challenged to consider Yahweh
from other people’s perspective. Her God moved her from visions/dreams to
listening to His spoken word through the mouth of her brothers, Moses and
Aaron. By choosing Moses to lead, with Aaron in second command, Miriam learned
vital life lessons of God's greatness, and how He is working in the lives of
others to grow faith. She learned to accept their intimacy with Almighty
God and to follow behind when they were given commands to move forward.
And finally, Miriam learned the vital role
God asked. She was to work together with other servants of the living God in
order to bring His people to the Promise Land.